2021 Softball League Meeting #2 Recap

Snohomish County is willing to enter into a field maintenance agreement where the league maintains the fields during the season in lieu of paying to rent them. They still require insurance to be confirmed prior to use of the fields.

Talked about max 12 teams for the league next year. So far 10 teams have reached out and committed. Schedule can be made with either 10 or 12 teams so we will leave the door open to add 2 more between now and the beginning of May. 

Plan is to have Twin Rivers work party beginning on May specific date TBD with a league year start date of June 1st.

Prior to work party, the league will send out a list of resources and equipment needed in case anyone in the league has connections to donate equipment or services. 

Initial $100 deposit will be due by the time of the Twin Rivers work party. With the remaining balance due one week before the league year starts.

Next league meeting Saturday April 24th May 1st at 9am. 

Any questions please email softball@nccsfl.org

— Abraham Lincoln

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